LumberChats: Inside NAU

Making your education work for you-- the nontraditional student path

Northern Arizona University

In our fast-paced society, it's easy to believe we're supposed to have achieved certain things by a certain age. On this episode, we're breaking down common misconceptions and celebrating today's non-traditional students. Whether you're in your first year of college or you're in the middle of a career change-- your path is yours alone.

Looking to take the next step? We've got your back. Listen on as we hear from Lumberjacks of different ages and life stages and get to know how they're making education work for them-- and with them.

Episode guests: Alexander Anderson (NAU 90/30 program), Rita Torres (NAU 90/30 program), Elizabeth Rosenkrantz (NAU doctoral student),and Rylie Manros (Personalized Learning).

NAU Personalized Learning- Our self-paced Competency-Based format focuses on your needs – set your own deadlines and move through the coursework at your own pace.
NAU 90/30 Program- Transfer up to 90 lower-division college credits to NAU. Then, complete the remaining 30 upper-division credits (10 courses) to finish your degree without relocating.
NAU Online

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